
5 Stationery Must-Haves for All Math lovers!

Mathematics is one of the most exciting subjects to study in school. Every topic taught in math becomes a foundation block upon which more knowledge is built. Mathematics is one of the most important subjects that help children build analysing skills and problem-solving skills too. Many children easily fall in love with Math due to its multifaceted-ness and its plethora of topics.

If you are a self-acclaimed math-lover, prepping to start a new school year or gearing up for your exams, here is a list of must-have stationery items for you! 

Geometry Box

 Classmate Geometry box is one of the most essential things one needs for anything math-related. Classmate Archimedes Geometry Box is a sleek and stunning geometry box containing a beautiful blue design along with some important instruments like Divider, Compass, Set Squares, Eraser, Mechanical Pencil, Sharpener, Pencil, Lead Box etc.

Classmate Pulse Notebooks

An unruled math notebook is the best to have for when you want to study subjects like Surface, Areas and Volumes, or Geometry. Even complicated formulae look good on soft and high-quality unruled paper. Classmate has a range of Classmate Pulse notebooks which contain smooth paper, attractive designs and a huge number of pages for all your math needs!

 Gel pens/ Ball pens

For smooth writing and clean looking notebooks, student love the bright blue ink that gel pens provide. If you love how gel pens glide on your notebook when you solve sums, then having gel pens and their refills is a must! Classmate Octane Gel Pens are a stunning range of neon coloured gel pens that not only make your books look good but also your bags!

Ball pens are another variety of pens that are perfect for fast writers. If you get too engrossed in your math problems, you will love the smooth balls pens made by Classmate Octane Flo!

Graph Notebook

Graph notebooks are a must-have when it comes to learning how to chart graphs for several different topics in Mathematics. As topics become vaster and more difficult in high school, kids are asked by teachers to bring graph notebooks to understand and chat different kinds of graphs. Classmate produces a variety of well-made graph notebooks which you can try.

 Mechanical Pencil

Carrying a pencil and an eraser can be a hassle but marking down important formulae and explanation is always important. This is where having a trusty mechanical pencil with its lead box can help. They are easy to carry and often come with an attached eraser. They are not as dark as pencils but help create neat and wonderful looking notes. Mechanical pencils are a definite addition if you are a neat freak who loves having their math notes in order!

In addition to these, it is always helpful to carry extra refills, pencils, a sharpener, and an eraser. Having a 30cm long scale can also be helpful. Using a memo pad or a small notebook for all important formulae can help you solve problems faster and improve your memory too!